Lavoro e transizioni sociali nell’era del Green Deal: persone, competenze e contrattazione collettiva. Un Approfondimento sul Ruolo dei Comitati Aziendali Europei (CAE) nel Settore Finanziario

Autore: Domenico Iodice

Anno: 2024

ISBN versione stampata: 979-12-80922-53-3

ISBN versione pdf: 979-12-80922-54-0

Il volume è stato realizzato nell’ambito del progetto Financing the Green Transition. Transnational collective bargaining and the role of EWCs in supporting European banks’ shift towards environmental and social responsibility. Focus on new job profiles and P&Ms re-skilling. Il progetto è cofinanziato dall’Unione europea (Grant Agreement 101052465).

This volume is published as part of the project Financing the Green Transition. Transnational collective bargaining and the role of EWCs in supporting European banks’ shift towards environmental and social responsibility. Focus on new job profiles and P&Ms re-skilling. The project is co-funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement 101052465).

Scarica la pubblicazione

Il volume è stato realizzato nell’ambito del progetto Financing the Green Transition. Transnational collective bargaining and the role of EWCs in supporting European banks’ shift towards environmental and social responsibility. Focus on new job profiles and P&Ms re-skilling. Il progetto è cofinanziato dall’Unione europea (Grant Agreement 101052465).

This volume is published as part of the project Financing the Green Transition. Transnational collective bargaining and the role of EWCs in supporting European banks’ shift towards environmental and social responsibility. Focus on new job profiles and P&Ms re-skilling. The project is co-funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement 101052465).